
Looking to host a Chemistry + Craft workshop in your space? Let's connect! Send inquiries via email to, and let's discuss customizing a workshop for your gathering and occasion.

Here are a few concepts we're currently working on -


Compost and Canvas 

Participants in this workshop will engage in a hands-on activity, comparing colour/pigment from different food-based ingredients or agri-food waste bi-products. Presented as a mini-lab exercise, we'll introduce and discuss basic concepts in textile and pigment science. At the end of the activity, participants will have the option to finish their fabric pieces with beeswax, leaving with their own set of natural fibre, naturally dyed food wraps! 


Mend  N Chill

In this workshop, participants will bring their own worn garnment and share it’s story with the group. With materials provided, we will overview and try techniques for mending, all the while experiencing the social benefit of a collective mending practice. Participants leave with their favorite worn garnment, a little better off than it was before and with added durability so they can enjoy it longer! 


Sew what? 

In this workshop, we overview basic garnment sewing technique, and how to work with, or create your own pattern. Various materials for upcycling will be included, as we have fun playing with the design and assembly process. Participants will also learn about, discuss and assess different types of organic and synthetic materials and their uses. 

Optionally, this workshop can be repeated as a series, ending with a mini fashion show of creations :) 


*Ces ateliers peuvent aussi être adaptés pour être offerts en français. Contactez-nous à pour démarrer la conversation!